Portrait painting class with Bill Gatt
Portrait sessions at the Crescent Art Center with tutor Bill Gatt have started again today. It was nice to go back to the easel and find many familiar faces, but also to pick up canvases and colors and paint without worries for the three hours that the model posed for us. Today the model was Hattie, I worked with acrylic paint and gouache.
Oggi sono ricominciate le sessioni di ritratto al Crescent Art Centre con il tutor Bill Gatt. È stato bello tornare al cavalletto e ritrovare molte facce conosciute, ma anche riprendere in mano tele e colori e dipingere senza pensieri per le tre ore di posa. Oggi ha posato per noi Hattie, ho lavorato con pittura acrilica e gouache.