Dan Dowling

Portrait of Dan Dowling, PRUA

As anticipated in the previous article, I am posting the portrait from the first pose of yesterday’s session at the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts. While waiting for the model stuck in traffic, the President of the Academy, the artist Dan Dowling, posed for us. Portrait in charcoal and soft pastels on A2 size paper, pose about 15 minutes long.

Come anticipato nell’articolo precedente, pubblico il ritratto dalla prima posa della sessione di ieri alla Royal Ulster Academy of Arts. In attesa del modello bloccato nel traffico ha posato per noi il Presidente dell’Accademia, l’artista Dan Dowling. Ritratto a carboncino e gessetti su foglio di carta formato A2, posa di circa 15 minuti.

Dan Dowling