Portrait club with Drawing Life Glasgow and model Nasim
These last few months my work has been really stressful, but it seems that the commitments have calmed down a bit at the moment. This is why I would like to start drawing more often again. So yesterday I took the opportunity and participated in one of the weekly Portrait Clubs organized by Drawing Life Glasgow. The model was Nasim, I worked with soft pastels and charcoal on coloured A3 sheets.
In questi ultimi mesi il mio lavoro è stato davvero stressante, ma sembra che al momento gli impegni si siano un po’ calmati. Per questo vorrei ricominciare a disegnare più spesso. Così ieri ho colto la palla al balzo e ho partecipato a uno dei Portrait Club settimanali organizzati da Drawing Life Glasgow. La modella era Nasim, ho lavorato con gessetti e carboncino su fogli A3 colorati.