“Matthew and Poppy’s Army” ~ Drawing Cabaret Couture

Yesterday after a week off the Thursday live drawing session with Drawing Cabaret Couture returned. This time the title was “Matthew and Poppy’s Army” and the clothes were works inspired by the slightly embarrassing pre-adolescence photos by fashion designers Matthew David Andrews and Poppy Sendell. Hair/Wigs by Anne Veck Salon. Set design and lighting by Matthew G. Lawrence and model Fran. I worked in gouache on A3 sheets.

Ieri dopo una settimana di pausa è tornata la sessione di disegno da vivo del giovedì con Drawing Cabaret Couture. Questa volta il titolo era “Matthew and Poppy’s Army” e gli abiti erano lavori ispirati alle foto un po’ imbarazzanti della pre-adolecenza dei fashion designer Matthew David Andrews e Poppy Sendell. Capelli/parrucche di Anne Veck Salon. Scenografie e luci di Matthew G. Lawrence e modella Fran. Ho lavorato a gouache su fogli A3.