“Kukeri.” – Drawing Cabaret Couture feat Laura Rose Collins
Due to a series of coincidences in the last few days I found myself doing three life drawing sessions in less than 24 hours! The first was the one dedicated to Louise Bourgeois, the second is the one I write about in this article, that is the usual Thursday session with Drawing Cabaret Couture (the third will arrive here on the blog in a few hours).
For this week the fashion design group has organized a Kukeri themed session with outfits by Laura Rose Collins. The garments, colorful and complete with masks, recalled a shamanic atmosphere and during some of the poses the model also danced frantically while wearing them. The inspiration came from the Kukeri, that is the traditional Bulgarian costumes that men wear during rituals to ward off spirits: a tradition I did not know but undoubtedly fascinating and interesting.
The drawings were made as usual live with Procreate during short poses, between 3 and 15 minutes.
Per una serie di casualità negli ultimi giorni mi sono ritrovata a fare tre sessioni di life drawing in meno di 24 ore! La prima è stata quella dedicata a Louise Bourgeois, le seconda invece è quella di cui scrivo in questo articolo, ossia la consueta sessione del giovedì con Drawing Cabaret Couture (la terza arriverà qui sul blog tra qualche ora).
Per questa settimana il gruppo di disegno fashion ha organizzato una sessione dal titolo “Kukeri. Diverting the evil eye.” (traduzione in italiano: “Kukeri. Deviare il malocchio.”) con outfit firmati Laura Rose Collins. I capi, coloratissimi e completi di maschere, rimandavano a un’atmosfera sciamanica e durante alcune delle pose la modella ha anche danzato freneticamente mentre li indossava. L’ispirazione veniva dai Kukeri, ossia i costumi tradizionali bulgari che gli uomini indossano durante i rituali per allontanare gli spiriti: una tradizione che non conoscevo ma senza dubbio affascinante e interessante.
I disegni sono stati realizzati come di consueto live con Procreate durante pose brevi, dai 3 ai 15 minuti.
More on Kukeri:
Wikipedia in EN
Wikipedia in IT
2 replies on ““Kukeri.” – Drawing Cabaret Couture feat Laura Rose Collins”
Life drawing session with 2B or not 2B Collective & OCA - Emanuela Mae Agrini
[…] anticipated in the previous article on the Kukeri event organized by Drawing Cabaret Couture, this is the third session in less than 24 hours that I attended in the last few days: organized by […]
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[…] of my drawings from Drawing Cabaret Couture’s Kukeri session featuring works by Laura Rose Collins have been featured in Goldfoil Magazine issue […]