Fashion illustration of Clara Pinto garments, model Jordana Rev

Yesterday’s Drawing Cabaret Couture session was really great! Posed for us the beautiful Jordana Rev with garments made of innovative materials created by designer Clara Pinto. I worked with gouache and charcoal on paper. If you want to see the videos of the evening go to my TikTok channel!

La sessione di Drawing Cabaret Couture di ieri è stata davvero grandiosa! Ha posato per noi la bellissima Jordana Rev con abiti in tessuti innovativi creati dalla designer Clara Pinto. Ho lavorato con gouache e carboncino su carta. Se volete vedere i video della serata andate sul mio canale TikTok!

@emanuelamaeagrini #drawingcabaretcouture #lifedrawing #fashion #illustrazionemoda #fashiondrawing #fashionillustration #artontiktok #artistsoftiktok #artist #illustrazione #art #illustration #disegno #gouache #artsy #gouachepainting #timelapse #gouachesketch #ritratto #portrait #womenwhowow #womenwhodraw #womenartists #artoftheday ♬ Far Rider – Still Corners