Daryl 1

Drawings from the life drawing marathon fundraiser for medical and essential aid for Palestine and Lebanon


Yesterday I took part in the life drawing marathon to raise funds for medical and essential aid for Palestine and Lebanon – a 10 hour non-stop marathon with poses donated by models from all over the world in exchange for donating funds to a charity dedicated to helping Lebanon and Palestine. I participated in the first three hours of the session and below you can find my drawings.

Ieri ho preso parte alla maratona di disegno dal vero per la raccolta fondi di aiuti medici ed essenziali per la Palestina e il Libano – 10 ore di maratona non stop con pose donate da modell* da tutto il mondo in cambio della donazione di fondi a un’associazione benefica dedicata all’aiuto di Libano e Palestina. Ho partecipato alle prime tre ore di sessione e qui di seguito trovate i miei disegni.

Short poses with Titania

Medium lenght poses with Meghann

Meghann 1
Meghann 2

Portrait pose with Daryl

Daryl 1

Medium lenght poses with Dani

Dani 2
Dani 1

Portrait pose with Nasim


P.s. my donation went to Free kitchen: Meals and essentials, but here are the other associations you can donate to:

P.s. la mia donazione è andata a Free kitchen: Meals and essentials, ma ecco le altre associazioni alle quali potete donare:


Free kitchen: Meals and essentials

Hot meals 4 Starved Palestinian Kids in north Gaza

Connecting Humanity provides eSIMs for those living in Gaza


Riwaq Beirut: Fundraising & Donations Drive for Lebanon – daily meals and essentials 


The coalition’s most principal value is for including those often overlooked in humanitarian emergencies and includes feminist and anti-racist principles.

Laughter as Healing in Times of Crisis – Lebanon – Clown Me – offering therapy through laughter and children’s entertainment