Drawing Cabaret Couture: “The skin we live within”
This week’s fashion illustration session with Drawing Cabaret Couture featured the creations of fashion designers Poppy Sendell and Ella Davies in a show titled “The skin we live within”. Posed for us Gemma Howell, set design and lighting as always Matthew Lawrence. Here are my gouache works on paper (and a fast one with charcoal):
La sessione di illustrazione di moda con Drawing Cabaret Couture di questa settimana ha visto come protagoniste le creazioni delle fashion designer Poppy Sendell ed Ella Davies in uno show dal titolo “The skin we live within” (trad: la pelle in cui viviamo). Ha posato per noi Gemma Howell, set design e luci come sempre Matthew Lawrence. Ecco i lavori a gouache su carta (e uno veloce a carboncino):