photo 2021 07 02 10 41 14

Drawing Cabaret Couture feat Raul Marinel Iacob

The usual appointment with Drawing Cabaret Couture this week saw as protagonists the outfits / sculptures of the Romanian designer Raul Marinel Iacob with boots signed by Natacha Marro. It was a fun session to draw because the pleated and decidedly plastic dresses gave dynamism to the scene incredibly interpreted by the model and Drawing Cabaret Couture’s CEO Janet Mayer. On the background the wonderful backdrop created by artist Matthew Lawrence. Drawings made in Procreate on iPad.

Il consueto appuntamento con Drawing Cabaret Couture questa settimana ha visto come protagonisti gli outfit/scultura dello stilista rumeno Raul Marinel Iacob con stivali firmati Natacha Marro. È stata una sessione divertente da disegnare perché gli abiti ricchi di pieghe e decisamente plastici regalavano dinamicità alla modella Janet Mayer. Il tutto sul meraviglioso sfondo creato dall’artista Matthew Lawrence. Disegni realizzati in Procreate su iPad.


Drawing Cabaret Couture